A Blog written by our pupils.

Our Learning Squad pupils all work hard to produce articles every week to make this Blog interesting to read. Please make sure that you click back to see older posts also. Enjoy!

Monday, 30 November 2015

Ups and Downs box!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We, house captains,  have came up with an excellent idea! We thought we could have an ups and downs box for every class! This idea is for all pupils to show there feelings. This will cause you to not have your feelings trapped inside! You can put happy feelings and sad feelings in here, so it will make sure that you get your problem solved! You can put anything in it at ANY time, so don't be shy. Once a week, house captains will look in the box to see if there are any problems that need solving! And of course, any amazing things that need to be celebrated! The boxes have arrived, and we only need to design the boxes. This will start after Christmas!!!!!